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 Acupuncture, Chinese Massage, Herbal Medicine


Dr. Zhongping Lai has over thirty years of clinical experience in alternative medicine. He has practiced in the areas of Acupuncture, Chinese Massage(Tuina), Chinese herbal medicine and nutrition therapy. His practice covers internal illness, infertility, woman's health, and pain management.


Dr. Lai received his BSc(Medicine) in 1983 from Jiangxi University of TCM after five years of full time study. He gained MSc (Medicine) in 1991 from Chinese Academy of TCM (Beijing) after three years of full time study.  With the major being Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, he worked at Guan An Men hospital attached to Chinese Academy of TCM (Beijing) as a senior doctor for 5 years. He also had been studied from Professor Asakawa in Saga Medical University in Japan from 1996-1999. Mr. Lai came to the UK in 1999 with the experience of successful treatment over thousands of patients with various illnesses.


Dr. Lai has gained his reputation and trust from the local community. He helped many people and brought the joy of health back to them and their families. He has successfully treated thousands of patients which recieved high remarks from them.


Dr. Lai always strives to broaden his professional knowledge and skills in order to fulfil his patient’s wishes. He has a genuine passion for helping people regain and maintain their wellness through the balanced holistic approach.

Call him on: 01423528666 / 07706052071 or E-mail to